
More than just simple course administration.

Our award-winning KM LMS (learning management system) provides a platform to efficiently manage your in-person and online training courses, enabling you to offer a diverse range of learning resources to your employees. Partner with us to achieve optimized and goal-oriented HR development within your organisation.


Clear and impact-oriented.

With KM LMS you can administer your courses, seminars and workshops and enhance your continuous training activities with digital learning resources including e-books, videos, photo documentation, wikis, training tasks and online exams.

Administer courses

KM LMS Steuern von Anmeldungen

Manage registrations through approval workflows

KM LMS Erstellen von maßgeschneiderten Lern- und Prüfungsinhalten

Create customized
learning and assessment content

KM LMS Einbindung von Lerninhalten

Integrate your learning content

KM LMS Einholen und Auswerten von Kursfeedback

Collect and evaluate course feedback

KM LMS Auswerten

Valuable usage insights

KMS LMS Einbettung Glossar und Wikis

Glossaries and wikis

KM LMS Einteilung Rollen und Gruppen

Dedicated sections for individual groups

KM LMS Einbettung Videos und Multimedia

Various media formats

KM LMS Skalierbar und Individuell

Customizable and scalable


Benefits for your organisation

  • Easy integration through data exchange and reconciliation
  • Possible integration of various content types
  • Simple evaluations in different formats
  • Available as Software-as-a-Service or in-house solution
  • Our experts support you from planning and conception to implementation and launch
  • Combine learning formats into comprehensive blended learning experiences
  • GDPR-compliant structure meets the highest data protection standards


Seamlessly integrate KM LMS into your organization with a variety of interfaces: Single Sign-On, automatic user import, automated course registrations via your HR system, automatic grade transfers to your HR system, and much more.



„Gemeinsam mit Knowledge Markets ist es uns unter großem Zeitdruck – die Plattform musste aufgrund der gesetzlichen verankerten Auswertung über die Erfüllung der Fortbildungspflichten rechtzeitig fertig gestellt werden – und unter aufwenden aller zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen gelungen, einen Meilenstein in der ärztlichen Bildungslandschaft in Österreich umzusetzen.“

Mag. Günther Ochs, Geschäftsführer der Akademie der Ärzte


Do you need any further information?

Get in touch now.